Albatross Film First Night. Full House in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky
07 Jun — 2019
Albatross Film First Night. Full House in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky

On June 7th cinema center Lemonade had a full house during first night of Albatross film. Locals and guests of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky came to discover the life story of thousands of birds, which see the planet from another perspective, but still suffer from plastic pollution.


According to Lidia Onufriychuk, representative of the media center, many viewers were deeply touched and many seemed to have tears. High interest of the viewers evidence that society is willing to watch new films about nature and nature protection.

After the film finished Alexander Shienok, researcher of the Commander Islands Nature and Biosphere Reserve and lecturer in Moscow State University, spoke about albatrosses of the Commander Islands and answered questions of the viewers.

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Viewers coming to see the film. Photo by press-service of Lemonade Media Center

He also underlined the fact that scientists have never found any plastic in stomachs of birds from the Commander Islands. At the same time, albatrosses from Midway Islands in the Pacific die regularly, because they mistake plastic for food. 

Protected territory of the Commander Islands still manages to preserve pristine nature in the circumstances of global pollution. To protect this part of the ocean any contribution of the viewers or of any Kamchatka local is important. You can start even today. Try to minimize you consumption of single use objects and choose those that can be reused or recycled.

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Viewers discuss the film. Photo by press-service of Lemonade Media Center

The first night of the film was organized as a part of World Environment Day and in the framework of PROKINO Project. The Commander Islands Nature and Biosphere Reserve is grateful to Lemonade Media Center for the possibility to speak up the growing problem of plastic pollution in the world.

The Commander Islands Reserve Press-Service

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