The Commander Islands Reserve to Launch New Ornithological Journal
18 Jul — 2018
The Commander Islands Reserve to Launch New Ornithological Journal

The Commander Islands Nature and Biosphere Reserve launches a new periodical journal called The Beringian, which will share ornithological news. Why such name? The Commander Islands are a home to an endemic wader species – rock sandpiper (literally translated from Russian as Bering Island sandpiper) – and the journal is published for local people of Bering Island and our guests. Therefore, the name was predictable.

The goal of the project is to tell wide public about reach ornithofauna of the islands. The journal will cover the most interesting findings in ornithological monitoring, history of this research field in the region and the most recent news of global ornithology and birdwatching.

Guests of the reserve and local community are very welcome to participate in preparation of the new issue. If you have seen a bird and managed to take a picture of it, please, write down the date and place, where the photo was taken. You can share this valuable material with us by email ( or take it with you on the next visit to the reserve visit-center to give it to the Science Department. You photos will be published and will contribute to the research. May be you are destined to be a discoverer in insular ornithology?

You can find the journal in printed version and on the web-site. New issues will appear every trimester. 

The first issue is based on wintering anseriformes. You will have a chance to get acquainted with bird counting methods, the most wide-spread and rarest of anseriformes birds and changes in their population numbers. You will also find a map with highest anseriformes concentration places of Bering Island.


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