15 Feb — 2021
On February 19, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky will host an interactive lecture The Beaver Sea - the Land of Monsters!


The World of Uninvented Fairy-tale Creatures


The Beaver Sea - the Land of Monsters

Fig. from Gessner's book


Natalya Aleksandrovna Tatarenkova

Head of Department of Preservation of Historical and Cultural Heritage.

The Commnader Islands Nature and Biosphere Reserve named after S.V. Marakov.

Fig. from Gessner's book

Brief description:

Not so long ago, just a few hundred years ago, you would not have seen the maps of the Bering Sea. In its place stretched Beaver and Kamchatka Seas, and to the south - the Pacific Sea. And if you go back in time for another 2-3 hundred years, on the pages of zoological treatises you could meet amazing fairy-tale creatures: naked sea virgins - sirens, sea lions with a luxurious mane and even unicorns. These books were called bestiaries, from Latin  bestia  - "beast." But - they did not have a pinch of fiction! Well, except for a little...

Let's move together into this amazing world and fill the sails with a free wind of fantasies!

In addition to the story, the participants of the lecture will be invited to "become" first-time travelers or their excited listeners.
No age limit.
Free of charge. No registration.



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